First time I've ever done this, but man I love Clif! They are a major sponsor of my cycling team, and I just couldn't be more grateful. A super-friendly rep showed up to the team meeting meeting last night and bestowed us with a bunch of free product, including the seasonal-flavors us Clif-geeks wait all year for. We all wish they'd make these year-round, but there's a reason Christmas only comes once a year: it's all the more special.
I actually had the Cranberry Orange Nut Bread after my ride to Northbrook this morning and, I'm not kidding, it almost tasted as good my mom's.
Mundial or Nuevo Leon? The Chicago Cycling Examiner covers Pilsen.
Red Vines or Twizzlers?
When I was kid, at the movies I'd use a Red Vines to drink my Coke with. The only thing that tasted better than that were the burps after.
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