z3 4ever
Originally uploaded by Sator Arepo
Beautiful BMW Z3!!
Wow, what a sign to read on the road. Do you ever catch yourself reading them and wondering if anyone ever calls the #'s on them. Most of them are get rich quick schemes, but I really liked this one.
What in the world? Look under car for Penguins? Does anyone know where Table Mountain National Park is located?
Have you ever been to "Wits End" and Mexico Road. I can hear someone giving directions to their home. "Yes, turn on Mexico road and go to your "Wits End."
This is a crazy road sign, I dont know if I would say funny road sign. "If you encounter a mountain lion". "Face Lion, back away slowly". "Keep children close pick up children without bending". "Be Large, Shout" and the last tip, "If Attacked, Fight Back!"
I have better tips for Mountain Lions and I believe someone has changed this sign. I think it should read "If you encounter a Mountain Lion it should be behind bars." If Mountain Lion is not behind bars, pinch yourself to make sure you are not having a nightmare! "If you are not having a nightmare, just remember, you can buy new underwear!" Next, in a calm voice say, "here kitty kitty." When he looks the other way, grab kids in swoop and run your behind off! "If attacked, kick him in the nuts!!!"
It is embarrassing to have to spell this out, but for the record let me explain why Gov. Palin's answer to the "Bush Doctrine" question -- the only part of the recent interview I have yet seen over here in China -- implies a disqualifying lack of preparation for the job......wrote James Fallow on September 12th. He compared her to a non-sports-fan being asked a question about Brett Farve's new chances with his new team. That she lacked a "disturbing" amount of curiosity about the issue - it went beyond knowledge.
And at least she didn't pretend to know -- while he looked down his nose and over his glasses with weary disdain, sighing and "sounding like an impatient teacher," as the Times noted. In doing so, he captured perfectly the establishment snobbery and intellectual condescension that has characterized the chattering classes' reaction to the mother of five who presumes to play on their stage.Who...cares?!?
In the eye of Hurricane IKE, gas prices in Memphis have risen to $4.00 per gallon. If this keeps going everyone will be riding bikes to work.
It seems crazy that oil prices fell below $100 per barrel today, but because the hurricane has shut down some refinery's, gas has risen so drastically. I believe there is some gouging going on.
It is truely time to explore alternative sources of energy and fuel. Hydrogen, bio-Fuel, Ethanol, Hybrid or a combination of all! I will be the first to tell you that profit is not a dirty word, but the money made from oil is Sick Money! Money that is incomprehensible.
I think I would run over this sign or turn around and go home. They should make this the standard message for all road work areas.
I didn't say Simon Says!