Emily´s Eve
Originally uploaded by Christoph Dudek
Is Alternative Energy and Fuel just around the corner? With soaring gas prices and increased energy demands, this is a major question posed for the upcoming Presidential Election.
Who do you think has the better Energy Plan, Senator John McCain or Senator Barack Obama? They are both talking a good game about reducing oil dependance on foreign oil, but who really has a better handle on taking us over the hurdle.
Another question for readers. What alternative fuel do you think will weed us off oil? Do you think it will be Natural Gas, Ethanol, Hybrid Cars, Bio Diesel, or some other form of fuel?
I am always interested in what readers have to say because there are always good comments when a question is posed. Click on the comment section below this post and let me know what you think. I will post all comments that are not solely spam. If you have a good comment, by all means put a link to your site. But, off the wall comments will be deleted. Thanks.
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