E. Had-ley, of Casper, Wyo., might have created the first ever art car, by assembling 10,000 stamps onto his vehicle. He had five girls working on his car for six weeks to plaster it with the worlds largest stamp collection on a car. The stamps are covered with a protective coat of varnish to shield them from the weather and hardships of the road. I wonder how they are holding up to this day, and how many stamps it took to actually mail this car across country.

Photo Credit Modern Mechanix
I also found this Trabant 601 stamp car that was produced at the former East German VEB Sachsenring Autowerke Zwickau, covered with thousands of stamps from all over the world and parked in a Berlin street August 11, 2007. Stamp dealer Scharam Farahbakhsh decorated his car with a friend with more than 3,000 stamps attached to it using a special car paint. Another hybrid car using gas and postage to get across town, just don't use the US postal service, it takes too long.

Photo Credit spluch
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