Thursday Hate: More Bikes = More Hate

It was said some months back that in order to get more bikes on the road as a mainstream commuting option, we simply needed more women on bikes. Meaning when women feel comfortable and safe enough to begin biking, that is when the numbers on the streets will truly grow, society will accept bike-commuters with open arms, and our traffic infrastructure will reflect this.

Today, the NY Times gave evidence that a growing number of women are indeed gaining the confidence to take the lane, and they're looking good while doing it.

And as long as women are being liberated, there will be men, especially from the south, speaking out against it:
Not everyone is thrilled. Ross Autry, a blogger in Birmingham, Ala., noted in an e-mail that multitasking bicyclists are too self-consciously hip for his taste and, what’s worse, may pose a hazard. “Fixing your makeup or sending a text message could have catastrophic results,” he said.
Certainly, Ross. All of us men know that women are the only distracted drivers. And if distracted cyclists would be catastrophic, what does that make our current situation with all of them behind the wheel of a two ton Escalade? And the current infestation of brakeless hipsters marauding through intersections, preening in a storefront window at 23 miles an hour, giving more thought to their color-coordinated chain, aerospoke, and top-tube pad than the poor fuck on foot they're about to run over is far more dangerous than a stylish piece of eye-candy who doesn't want to sweat through her Tory Burch top.

God knows my regularly-commuting girlfriend practically has a restrictor-plate and never goes any faster than most people jog. In fact, I witnessed the greatest multitasking-cyclist of all time on my first-ever bike commute to work, back in 2004. A dude, no less, riding no handed through the Oak Street chicane of the Lake Front Trail - before it was repaved - talking on a mobile with one hand and holding a cigarette and a coffee in the other.

"TEACH ME!" I yelled as I rode by.

I imagine Ross is probably enjoying a table for one at TGI Friday's right now, before heading to home to masturbate on the internet and throw a beer can at his dog.

However, ladies, the hate goes both ways.

Just because I place function over form doesn't make me some jarhead or as George Bliss says, "an infantry solider with a helmet,” who has “alienated every pedestrian.” Yes, a lot of people bike unsafely in crowded places, but most of them aren't wearing helmets or lycra. Many others pass safely and we announce our presence, so don't project your inadequacies and bullshit on me.

Speaking of tight clothes, I wear lycra on most commutes because it doesn't bunch up painfully between my balls and my thigh. Because when I commuted 15 miles each way to my last job no one would make that ride in jeans. Because sometimes I wanna ride fast, or get in an extra 30 miles before work at my current job downtown.

And I've cracked a helmet in each of my three bad crashes that didn't involve a car. A crack that otherwise would've been my skull. I think waiting until you arrive at your destination to finally look your best is a preferable alternative to looking your best and drooling on yourself while your mother argues with the doctor to keep the feeding tube in.

Oh, and I hope Topaz Page-Green (if that is her real name) carries personal liability coverage on her condo policy, because she's gonna need it when she takes out a four year old while riding illegally on the sidewalk.

Painted Planes with Character

Mickey Mouse Art Airplane
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Jet
These painted airplanes have what you might say a lot of  "character", that is cartoon characters all over them.  Some airline companies have decided to brighten the sky with airplanes completely covered with animated cartoon characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Pokemon, Woody Woodpecker, Homer and Marge Simpson, I know I would love to fly in one of these. via Dark Roasted Blend
Mickey Mouse Art Airplane
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Jet (image credit: Simon Brooke)
Pokemon Jet
Pokemon Jet All Nippon Airways, photo by Michael F. McLaughlin
Pokemon Jet
Pokemon Jet Another All Nippon Airways, photo by Kota Murahashi
Pokemon Jet
Pokemon Jet (image credit: Shotaro Shimizu)
Woody Woodpecker Jet
Woody Woodpecker Jet (image credit: Xu Zheng)
Simpsons Jet
Simpsons Jet Simpsons livery, photo by AirNikon

NSR Mosler video

AmeriCredit Auto Finance Sold To General Motors

AmeriCredit shareholders approved a 3.5 Billion Dollar acquisition by General Motors that has been in the works since June.

General Motors needed a way to offer financing to those with medium credit and AmeriCredit was seen as the solution. AmeriCredit stock rose 7 cents and this should give GM a confidence boost before their initial stock offering.

The question is; Do you see General Motors as a stronger company now as compared to pre-Government GM?

Boys and Girls Club racing!

Check out the link to see the photos from the event held at the Bluffton (Georgia) Boys & Girls Club. The kids crowded around the track to watch and then take their turn to race... it looks like it was lots of fun!

The day was part of a larger Day for Kids sponsored by Country 106.9 and the slot racing was sponsored by Carrera.

See more photos at the Carrera of America Facebook page.

Henry Ford and the Genesis of Mass Production -- taken from my book, "The Automobile and American Life"

The Genesis of Mass Production at Highland Park
The offshoot of scientific management – mass production – was put into practice for the first time around 1913. Only later in 1926 did Ford articulate it as “focusing upon … the principles of power, accuracy, economy, system, continuity, and speed.” How mass production fit in with organization and the market was further articulated by Ford in this way:
The interpretation of these principles, through studies of operation and machine development and their coordination, is the conspicuous task of management. And the normal result is a productive organization that delivers in quantities a useful commodity of standard materials, workmanship and design at a minimal cost. The necessary, precedent condition of mass production is a capacity, latent or developed, of mass consumption, the ability to absorb large production. The two go together, and in the latter may be traced the reasons for the former.
The assembly line that followed, contrary to popular thought both then and now, was not simply the idea or the result of the efforts of Henry Ford alone. During a recent tour of Henry Ford’s Rouge, I watched a film on the history of mass production that gave total credit to Henry Ford for both the concept and implementation of this system of manufacturing. The film, shown every day to thousands of visitors, perpetuates a lie; for there were many unnamed individuals who contributed to what became mass production at the Ford Motor Company.
Indeed, James Flink summarized the story as one in which mass production developed upward from the shop floor rather than downward from Henry, with key individuals that included skilled tool makers like Carl Emde and staff members C. Harold Wills, Joseph Galamb, Charles Sorenson, Clarence Avery, William C. Klann, and P. E. Martin. It was this group and others, who through experiment and trial and error gradually perfected a way of making automobiles at the Highland Park factory. Fixed work benches, where the assembly of component parts took place, gave way to a series of positions along a moving line where one small component after another was added.
Scientific management had an enormous influence on the nature of American life during the early twentieth century, and nowhere was that more obvious than at the Ford’s Highland Park factory. It was there that by trial and error Ford and his team of engineers and mechanics developed the system of dragging a car chassis across the floor to stations where parts, brought by pulley, conveyor, or inclined plane were bolted on. Unlike the Model T itself, the assembly line took time to develop to a level of perfection, as numerous improvements to the line were implemented during the T’s 18-year production run. Ford applied four basic principles to increase efficiency: the work must be brought to the man; the work should be done waist high to eliminate lifting; waste motion, human or mechanical, must be minimized; and finally, each task must be reduced to utmost simplicity.
The impact of the assembly line at Ford was staggering, as the volume of production was unprecedented and cost reductions unparalleled. Once governed by skilled mechanics, the shop floor was conquered by scientific management and the assembly line. This process was nearly completed by 1914.
Joyce Shaw Peterson has described the creation of the assembly line as a series of processes that began with arranging production in an orderly sequence and ended with the development of overhead conveyors. By 1913 an assembly line operated at Ford, and by 1916, helped by Ford’s openness to journalists and visitors, it was institutionalized in various forms throughout the automobile industry. The gradual perfection of the assembly line inaugurated a second phase of automobile production between 1908 and 1925, and which produced the Model T in volume. It entailed rigid standardization, extensive division and subdivision of tasks, and progressive line production. It was an inflexible process, as opposed to a more flexible mass production system that emerged in the late 1920s. Under Fordism, semiskilled/unskilled workers operated highly specialized machines. In 1910, nearly 75 percent of all jobs were classified as skilled work, but by 1924 expert work declined to 5 to 10 percent. The development of machine technology was crucial to control of the production process because it eliminated the need for strength or training. James Flink explained that, “Fordism meant that neither physical strength nor the long apprenticeship required for becoming a competent craftsmen were any long prerequisites for industrial employment. The creativity and experience on the job that had been valued in the craftsmen were considered liabilities in the assembly-line worker.” Furthermore, Flink lamented that “the American myth of unlimited individual social mobility, based on ability and the ideal of the self-made man, became a frustrating impossibility for the assembly-line worker.” Dexterity, speed, and concentration replaced craft and experience.
By 1913, a majority of workers were semiskilled or unskilled and operated a highly specialized machine that nearly eliminated the “human element.” The process is evinced in Arnold and Faroute’s observations in Ford Methods and the Ford Shops: “When the moving-assembly line was placed in work with 29 men, splitting the one man operations into 29 operations, the 29 men began turning out 132 magneto assemblies per hour, or 1,188 per 9-hour day, one man’s time producing one fly-wheel magneto assembly in 13 minutes 10 seconds, a saving of 7 minutes time on each assembly or more than one-third of the best one-man time.”
In addition to descriptions of the production process, Arnold and Faroute took iconic photographs of Ford’s workers, but their “classic” observations were about machines, not laborers. In a description of “Assembling the Steering and Front Axle,” they wrote, “there are two operations to be performed: (1) to press the arm in its seat in the sub-axle hub boss; (2) to screw the nut on the threaded end of the steering arm.” No attempt was made to describe the three men in the photograph.
The assembly line initiated what scholar Harry Braverman has called the “degradation of work.” Braverman’s thesis was subsequently modified and pursued by sociologist David Gartman in Auto Slavery: The Labor Process in the American Automobile Industry, 1897-1950. Gartman asserted that the assembly line was born of class antagonisms rather than a technological rationality. Motivated by the “narcotic” of profit, capitalists wrestled production away from the craftsman. The craftsmen, having lost the ability to control pace and accuracy, became vulnerable to exploitation. Labor was reduced to repetitive, mindless motions. To vindicate his thesis, Garman distinguished between “repressive” capitalist and “non-repressive” natural controls of labor. Finally, bureaucracy and occupations were created to buttress the capitalist order, and gave birth to the modern corporation.
Marxist sociologists have enhanced the view of the assembly line, but historians have revealed that what happened at Ford’s plants was a complex social process. The reactions of workers to monotonous labor defy simple Marxist explanations. Historian Joyce Shaw Peterson wrote:
Scholars analyzing the labor process in capitalist industry have sometimes seen the progressive deskilling of jobs as synonymous with the degradation of labor. There is no question that deskilling characterized the development of the automobile industry during its successful emergence as a “giant enterprise.” The question concerns how that deskilling was experienced by the workers themselves, whether as progress, or loss, or something else entirely. No single answer to this question is possible. Those workers for whom deskilling was experienced as degradation . . . were those who personally lost the need for their particular skills and saw their pride in workmanship diminished as machines took over their jobs and their own autonomy was diminished by a division of skills and increased management planning. For these auto workers degradation was very real, diminishing their pride and status and undoubtedly contributed to making them the most militant and union conscious of their fellows. Such workers comprised a minority of the workforce. Much more common was the experience of the auto worker for whom machine tending replaced simple heavy labor or the semi variegation of farm work. Not only could such workers make more money as automobile workers, but they also experienced their work itself as more modern and sometimes identified with the skill of their machines and indeed with their own skill in running them.
Personal responses to working on the assembly line are difficult to assess historically, but whatever took place on the microscopic scale, Fordism transformed the social relations of the macroscopic work place. The individual became anonymous, and the division of labor reduced tasks to mindless repetitive actions. Peterson noted that visitors lamented at the monotonous labor, but the worker’s response was “complicated, as it could not be a simple choice between monotonous, repetitive tasks, and challenging interesting work . . . no such choice was offered.”
While the assembly line contributed to the “degradation of work,” the opportunity to labor brought workers from Southern and Eastern Europe, the American South, and Mexico to the Midwestern United States. This opportunity was particularly powerful for Mexicans and African Americans. In 1900, the population of Detroit was half native-born Whites, and half immigrants from northern and western Europe. By 1913, the workforce included Russians, Poles, Croats, Hungarians, and Italians. The workforce also came to include social outcasts. In 1919, “the Ford Motor Company employed hundreds of ex-convicts and 9,563 ‘substandard men’ – a group that included amputees, the blind, deaf-mutes, epileptics, and about 1,000 tubercular employees.” In contrast to Gartman, Meyer argued that “between 1908‑1913 Ford officials gradually discovered that workers required just as much attention as machines and the flow of materials.” The droves of workers were not “completely plastic and malleable,” and “as Ford mass production became a reality, Ford officials and managers gradually uncovered a massive labor problem.”
To stabilize his workforce, Ford announced the $5 dollar day. “This was not a simple wage increase,” wrote Stephen Meyer “but a sophisticated profit-sharing scheme to transform the social and cultural lives of immigrant workers and to inculcate the life-style, personal habits, and social discipline for modern factory life.” Ford used methods inspired by the Progressivism of the early twentieth century to stipulate how families should take care of their homes and how single men should take care of themselves. From 1914 to 1921 Ford embarked on a social experiment steeped in a paternalism that aimed to “Americanize” the immigrant workforce. While immigrants were willing to work in coal mines, iron and steel mills, meatpacking plants, and tanneries, in addition to automobile factories, they lacked industrial experience. When WWI ended the flow of European immigrants into Ford factories, recruitment of Black and White rural Americans became the norm.
Ford aimed to eliminate the lackluster “dude employee,” who talked and walked more than he worked. The application of scientific management to achieve mass production required a regulated “human element.” From 1920-1923 the assembly line underwent a “speed-up.” The pace of the assembly line was grueling, and in addition, smiling, laughing, and sitting were prohibited. But factories were safe, ventilated, and well lit. Nevins and Hill observed that, “as in all mass production industries of the time, they were the rules of an army, not of a cooperative community.” Joyce Shaw Peterson argued that while Ford was union free from 1903 to 1933, workers used turnover rates, absenteeism, restriction of output, and walkouts to convey disapproval. Autoworkers accepted the high wages, adopted the new habits, and endured the degraded labor.
Historians have given a fair amount of attention to Black labor in the automobile industry. The demographic shift inspired by Ford’s factories provided reason for Blacks to migrate to Northern industrial centers. In 1917 Packard employed 1,100 Blacks, but Ford quickly overtook Packard and employed 5,000 Blacks in 1923 and 10,000 by 1926. Despite Henry Ford’s personal racial outlook that Blacks were racially inferior and should remain segregated, his factories were interpreted as places of inspired racial uplift. Ford felt that the superior race was obligated to facilitate the uplift of subordinate races with philanthropic services, and this earned him a reputation as a friend of the Black race. Yet, life for Black workers in Detroit remained mixed.
Joyce Shaw Peterson historicized the new Black industrial community forged in Detroit. Despite high wages, most African Americans were segregated at the plant and in life outside of it. When Peterson inquired, “Apart from their existence inside the factory walls, what kind of life did black auto workers find in Detroit?” she answered with frustrating segregation, higher rates of disease, and overcrowded housing. In an industrial city the comforts of the home were paramount to the ability to endure monotonous and dirty work. Peterson noted that “migrants confronted the ironic situation of earning much better wages than they ever had before and still being unable to rent decent lodgings.” For Blacks, “segregated housing patterns . . . not only were blows to comfort, pride, self-esteem and family life; they could also kill.” Peterson concluded that more racial tension existed in Detroit due to residential patterns and competition for housing than over jobs. Beyond the factory and housing, entertainment facilities, and recreational activities provided by the companies, such as sports leagues; were segregated. Peterson noted that, “by far the most important social institutions were black churches,” which “became the most vital institution trying to both integrate rural blacks into the urban atmosphere and cement and develop a sense of racial community.”
In Black Detroit August Meier and Elliot Rudwick noted, “the income of Ford’s Black workers was the cornerstone for the prosperity of the black community’s business and professional people.” Blacks “were employed in the laboratories and drafting rooms; as bricklayers, crane operators, and mechanics; and . . . as electricians and tool-and-die makers.” James C. Price became an expert in purchasing abrasives and diamonds. Eugene J. Collins became head of the die casting department in 1924, and was later named the first Negro foreman. Meier and Rudwick point out that, “Ford established his own contacts among key black leaders, especially among the clergy.” Ford’s paternalism extended to local African American communities. This won Ford praise from African Americans, so much so that “black workers at Ford felt themselves superior, and wore their company badges to church on Sunday.”
African Americans comprised a significant portion of Ford’s workforce. James Flink pointed out that, “Ford’s black workers were concentrated at the Rouge, where by 1926 they number 10,000 and constituted about 10 percent of the work force.” At the Rouge, African-Americans were concentrated in “the most dangerous, dirty, and disagreeable jobs – chiefly in paint spraying and foundry work.” Blacks were employed in positions that required the greatest physical exertion, the highest accident rates, and most exposure to health hazards. Despite the racial victories of foremen like Eugene J. Collins, most Blacks were forced into hazardous jobs in separate parts of the factory.
Ford countered the critics of mass production in his own time in his 1926 article on the topic in Encyclopedia Britannica. He argued that
The need for skilled artisans and creative genius is greater under mass production than without it. In entering the shops of the Ford Motor Co., for example, one passes through great departments of skilled mechanics who are not engaged in production, but in the construction and maintenance of the machinery of production. Details of from 5,000 to 10,000 highly skilled artisans at strategic points throughout the shops were not commonly witnessed in the days preceding mass production. It has been debated whether there is less or more skill as a consequence of mass production. The present writer’s opinion [Ford’s] is that there is more. The common work of the world has always been done by unskilled labor, but the common work of the world in modern times is not as common as it was formerly. Fordism completed a revolution in the making of things that originated with the notion of interchangeable parts first proposed by Eli Whitney in 1798. Combining the practice of interchangeable parts as employed in nineteenth century armories with that of the moving disassembly line in the meat packing industry and techniques involving metal stamping from the bicycle industry, the assembly line led to what is called deskilling and monotony. But Fordism had its advantages. Fifteen million Model Ts were produced by 1927, and profits exceeded $7 billion.

NSR Ford GT40 video

Another in a series of cool video ads from NSR.

Ninco October releases

Ninco News for October.

Mule With Crazy Car Stereo System

Mule With Crazy Car Stereo System
This Mule has found its self strapped down with an entirely new type of load. A brand new crazy car stereo system.

A History of Speed Traps in the U.S.

Hi folks -- sorry for being so quiet lately. I have just been overwhelmed with work, the result of having 85 students in three classes.
I am beginning to discuss one-on-one term paper topics with my students. I have one young lady doing a paper on advertising and women during the 1960s and 1970s, and this morning I met with Megan Slaybach concerning a topic I really wanted someone to pursue, namely a history of speed traps. I had noticed this summer that there were quite a few entries during the 1920s in the New York Times on speed traps, and since Meghan is interested in law school, I thought this topic might work for her. In addition to NYT articles, there are also a number of articles listed in Readers' Guide Retrospective and also Lexis Nexis Academic, including important cases that went to the several state Supreme Courts. So we will see how it all shakes out. I noted that the first reference in the NYT was dated 1908; thus, it is a long standing and contentious issue to say the least.

Porsche 356 Art Car painted with M.C Escher Reptiles

Porsche 356 Art Car painted with M.C Escher Reptiles
This Porsche 356 was painted by Author and Graphic Designer Jasper Fforde with M.C Escher's famous reptiles. This art car was based on a car driven by a character in one of his books.

New Super Tires for Carrera Can Am's-video

A short video of a Porsche 917/30 lapping my Carrera track with the new Super Tires, wicked fast.

Slot It O2 video from Slotlandia

Video posted from Maurizio of a test of the O2 system at Slotlandia last week.

Breaking news! NSR Corvette and Porsche 911 coming!

Photos from slotbrother Jordi of JP Slot of new NSR slot cars. A Corvette and... a Porsche 911!!!! These cars were shown at the Slotlandia show in Italy.

Slot MiniAuto 72

New SCX "Paul Ricard" C3 set

3 Amazing Art Car Drawings by Eric Carlos Bertrand

Wow Bus Art Car Drawing by Eric Carlos Bertrand The Real Wow Bus Art Car
Wow Bus
These Art Car drawings were created by artist Eric Carlos Bertrand who was inspired by real Art Cars. He currently resides in Montreal and has taken the art car as a source of inspiration for researching the possibilities for viable version of the "ship of fools", a old imagery related to the tradition of the carnavalesque. Read his web site detailed info.

Three of the art cars I found were posted on Art Car Central a while back so I wanted to show the world how good his art work is. Eric has some really impressive drawing skills and a hole lot of patience, personally I would rather glue stuff on my art car.
Duke Drawing Art Car by Eric Carlos Bertrand Duke Art Car by Rick McKinney
Duke Art Car
Dj Mobile Art Car Drawing by Eric Carlos Bertrand Real Mobile DJ Art Car
Mobile DJ Art Car

9th Aberdeen Slot Car Show & Swap Meet-Sunday!

Come to Aberdeen Maryland Sunday September 26th to check out the selection of slots. The event is being held at the Clarion Hotel in Aberdeen, MD, about 18 miles south of the Delaware/Maryland border right off of interstate 95 at the Aberdeen exit #85 (about 35 miles south of the Delaware Memorial Bridge and about 18 miles north of Baltimore). The Clarion hotel's address is 980 Hospitality Way, Aberdeen, MD 21001 and their direct local phone # is 410-273-6300.

Admission is $5/person; kids under 12 free.

A few of the vendors that will be there:
Bob Beers (Mr Aurora); Tom Stumpf (TomsHOCars);
Rob Budano (BudsHOCars); Jeff Clemence (MotorCityToyz)
Harry Nonnemacher (Harry20); Rich & Cindy Olree (vintage slots/runner bodies/parts galore),
Ron & Chris Sklenar (vintage slot cars/slot car clothing/accessories)
Joe Corea (NJ Nostalgia Hobby)
Mario Pisano; Guy Graziano;
Doug Keys; Bill Houck;
Joe Davidson; Joe Lupico;
Steve Sanders; Joe Hopkins; Scott Zulawski,
Jim Greer (G-Scale Train Station-large scale slots)
Craig Holler (vintage and new 1/24 & 1/32 large scale slots)
Rick Swavely (Resin Dude Bodies)
Harvey Goodwin (Rabbit Racing Parts)
Jerry Schmoyer (brp racing parts)
Brad Blohm (large scale 1/32-1/24-25 vintage slots from 60s/70s)
Bob Lusch (Bad L Hobbies)
Dave Simms (DCM Raceway)

So, if you are thinking about attending and need directions or show information, contact either Elliot Dalberg or 703-960-3594 (home); 703-901-4262 (cell) or Doug Keys - or 301-474-6596.

New Porsche 911 Speedster video

How can you go wrong with this? A limited edition (356 will be made) Porsche 911 Speedster. Classy, very classy.

New SCX Digital set

Thursday hate

I gotta lot of problems with you people.

First, why the fuck do you draft on complete strangers riding the Lake Front Trail? Is it not immediately obvious to you what a gross invasion of personal space this is? It's the equivalent of reading over someone's shoulder on the train or at a coffee shop. Unless you ask, or introduce yourself...get the fuck off of my wheel.

Next up: riding in the dark, with sunglasses and without lights, weaving through ped and bike traffic at reckless speeds while wearing headphones, without so much as even giving back an, "on your left." I hope to god you only take yourself out with a tree branch or a pothole before injuring anyone else.

Finally, some guest hate. My dad was hit by a car this morning. Same dude who nearly hit him last week while backing out of his driveway, yakking on the phone. Shit caught up with him today:

The guy who hit me was totally freaked out. While I was clawing at his roof, trying to stay on, I could hear him inside on his cell phone, which of course he was on when he pulled out in front of me, "Oh my god I just hit a guy on a bike." I'm yelling back at him how I am going to rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat, etc. Then I slide off the roof still attached to the pedals, fall on my side and lay there yelling for his head. He gets out trying to call 911, he gets them, and I yell they better hurry cuz there is going to be somebody dead here and it won't be me.

I got up realized I was OK, but that the fork was now reversed. But the fucking wheel is true. Go figure huh?

Shop ordered a replacement fork that they think and hope will work but it will be at least Wed. of next week.

When you see this neighborhood you will understand how dangerous it is to back out of driveways. Everybody knows this and most back IN, then pull out forward, but still. It could have been the prego woman who walks her dog, then where would this knot-shit be?

Octapus Saab Art Car Reaching Out in Rhode Island

Octapus Saab Art Car Reaching Out in Rhode IslandOctapus Saab Art Car Reaching Out in Rhode Island
This Octapus 1987 Saab 900turbo art car has been seen reaching out in Rhode Island recently created by Aly of Killer Car Kustoms.

Slot Car Corner Banner - Slot Car Corner L.L.C. Store

Slot Car Corner Banner - Slot Car Corner L.L.C. Store
Banners and hats and shirts... oh my! I love my "They're only toys..." shirt. It's been seen around the country and Spain too! ;)

NSR Special edition Mosler info

News from Professor Motor (North American distributor for NSR). The "SET05 Mosler Five Years Victory" is due to arrive in Late October :

NSR Mosler is the only one car on the market able to win 5 years consecutive National Championship in GT Class.

NSR Mosler came in 2006 year in april.

- 2006 year rookie NSR Mosler win Italian Championship GT Class in inline setup configuration drove by Tommaso Melioli.

Approx 50% of cars are NSR Mosler

- 2007 year NSR Mosler win again Italian Championship GT Class in anglewinder setup configuration and “EVO” chassis version, drove by Andrea Gasperini, NSR official driver.

80% of cars are NSR Mosler!

- 2008 year NSR Mosler win again Italian Championship GT Class in anglewinder setup configuration and “EVO2” chassis version and “EVO” King motor version, drove again by Andrea Gasperini, NSR official driver.

97% of cars are NSR Mosler!

- 2009 year NSR Mosler win again Italian Championship GT Class in anglewinder setup configuration drove by young Gabriele Cassandra.

98% of cars are NSR Mosler!

- 2010 year NSR Mosler win again Italian Championship GT Class in anglewinder setup configuration and “EVO3” chassis and “EVO2” motor support, drove by Massimiliano La Gioia.

100% of cars are NSR Mosler!!

We like to reproduce NSR Mosler to celebrate 5 years of consecutive victories!

This car is assembled by Daniele Malangone with same race parts used at Italian Championship:

#1366 EVO3 Chassis medium compound black colour

#1227 EVO2 Anglewinder motor support extra hard compound

#3022 New KING EVO2 21K magnetic effect 21400rpm 322gr-cm!

#4802 Hard steel 3/32” x 55mm axles

#4803 Autolubricant & No-friction oilites

#4822 Super racing braids only 2/10mm

#4824 Extra flexible silicone motor wire 0.25qmm

#4843 New low friction LONGER pick-up guide

#5001 Front wheels 16”

#5201 No-friction front rubber 17 x 8

#5016 ULTIMATE rear wheels 16” wider

#5304 EXTREME rear rubber 19.5 x 12

#6531 Anglewinder extralight red gear 31t

#7114 Extralight & no-friction pinion 14t

Carrera Dune Buggy set

Carrera's new GO!!! Dune Buggy Challenge set will be for sale soon (or maybe even already depending on your store) at Toys R Us in North America. Read more about the set and see more photos here.


Jurassic Park

(pix by the amazing Steven Vance)

No, not quite. Although I had a startling realization as I was filling out my waiver on Friday night for Coach Randy's Jackson Park race-eve skills clinic, that my cyclocross racing age is actually next year that won't be too far from the truth.

A dinosaur on a bike.

However, since this year I'm still the spring chicken in my 30s, I ponied up for the Masters 30 Plus and the 4As. You have to double up in my situation. The 4s races are too short, and when your team is hosting, you gotta be out there. Maybe next I'll do the hat trick with two masters races and the 3s.

You guys can yell sandbagger all you want, but I'm staying in the 4s this year until I'm either on the podium or forced to upgrade. I may have Cat 3 power, but I have Cat 5 handling skills, so I think the 4s is a safe average on which to net out.

Anyways, Jason Knauff hates my constant blogging and called me out on my call Jason, here's to you.

I pre-rode the course - another A+ design by teammate Greg Heck - as the 40 plus men were staging and twitching to get the 2010 Chicago Cross Cup season underway. The course was long and fast - versatile, in fact - suited to both mad CX skills in the technical turns and off-camber twists; and to roadies, who could make up for their short-comings by hammering in the straightaways.

Game face


I'll keep it short and sweet for a long and bitter race. Two and half laps in I was almost puking, after having started near the back and then turned myself inside out to work my way up to 25th or so in a sold-out field of 75. Coming past the wheel pit I tried to hawk one but it got stuck halfway, stretched out between my throat and dangling down my chin. Trying to then force it out almost made everything else come up as well.

Pushing hard past David of Roscoe Village and a very determined Martin of The Pony Shop, the last two laps I could only keep the pressure up and held on to a well-deserved 23rd place. It was my best placing by far in an open field, so I was pretty happy with my effort there.


As I mentioned before, I got a call up in this race. Traditionally, and for the remainder of the season, call-ups to the line are given based on your overall placing. The starting line is ten wide, so a call-up is like gold in a racers quest for the hole-shot. But since there were no results to go on, the call-ups at Jackson Park were awarded on a lottery basis, rather than last year's placing as had been done in the past. And with 10 names out of a pool of 75, the odds weren't that bad.

And truthfully, in my second race, I wasn't too surprised to hear my name called with Sister Sprocket's third dip into the paper bag filled with names. And then to hear Erik's name right after I rolled up.

Sister Sprocket will draw 10 names

The starting sprint was madness, with two big crashes in the opening turns. My technical skills were a real liability in this race and soon the podium gone. Patty, with Jack, and her sister Rose and niece Kaila watched from the mid section where they could scream and heckle multiple times as we doubled and tripled back.

Brian's crew

I did cling to the Top 10 for most of my blazing three laps, until the very end when I was passed in a turn (where else) by Lew of Rhythm Racing. The gap closed little by little in the closing meters, but ultimately it was too late - 11th place - and I won't be getting a call-up on October 3rd in Dekalb, the next race in the series.

Brian on the slalom

The 4B started right where it left off last year, with every level of fitness and skill represented in their three laps, and more heckling than a heathcare townhall meeting in Tyler, Texas.

Huge thanks to Illlinois Cycling, Chicago Cross Cup, all the officials, the sponsors, and of course, all the teams that showed up and made Sunday such a spectacular opening to the 2010 cyclocross season.

Dayton Concours, September 19, 2010 -- photos of some very special cars

Lots of old men with money here. If you are looking for a sugar-daddy, this might be the right place!

This is the car I judged to be the best in Class C. Among other things, it had correct Firestone "gum-dipped" tires!

Well, not everybody looks like a sugar daddy here! More people should try to get in shape with the PX-90 system.

A nice group of motorcycle entrants

$100,000 invested in this car. I would rather invest in a conco in Del Mar, CA, but then it is not my money!

Hi folks -- the Dayton Concours took place again at Carillon Park, a super setting for the display of historically significant vehicles. The weather was about as good as it could get, and from all appearances the crowds were large, with many of the beautiful people of Dayton and surrounding area showing up to look at the cars and also be seen.

I ended up judging 7 American cars, 1946-1968, and it was a tough job considering the quality of the entrants. My top choice was the 1956 Ford Crown Victoria with factory air, a terrific example with no significant flaws. judging is always difficult because your task is to find scratches, discoloration, inappropriate parts, etc. on cars that usually are far better than anything you personally own or drive. many of these folks have put in countless hours and often tens (or actually 100s) of thousands of dollars to show their cars. It is their money!

Thanks to friend and former colleague Ed Garten for these photos!!

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